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  • Unless otherwise provided in this Section, each City employee, official, department, board or commission shall use interdepartmental mail, electronic mail, fax or in-person delivery by a City staff member, rather than using U.S. mail or private express, messenger or overnight delivery services when sending documents to other City departments, offices or agencies. This Section shall not apply to documents that are urgent, time-sensitive or confidential, including, but not limited to, personnel records, legal memoranda, documents relating to subpoenas, court filings or administrative hearings and other attorney-client communications. The responsible City department head or official shall determine for his or her department, board or commission, the types of documents that are urgent, time-sensitive or confidential for purposes of this Section, including the documents specified above. This Section shall not apply to documents sent to or from the Public Defender's Office, the District Attorney's office, the City Attorney's Office, the Hall of Justice, the Police Department, the Courts, the Grand Jury, the Airport, Port, Treasure Island or the offices of City departments or agencies outside of the boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco.
    Further, it shall be the duty of the secretary or other executive officer of each board, commission or committee thereof, to update the mailing lists at least once annually for the meetings of their respective board, commission or committee in order to remove addresses of individuals or organizations who are no longer interested in receiving the materials or who are no longer residing or operating at the listed address.
    (Added by Ord. 61-05, File No. 050136, App. 4/1/2005)