In addition to the facilities that may be financed under the Act, special taxes may be levied and bonds may be issued to finance or refinance any of the following on any land in the City, and the related interim costs::1
(a) The acquisition, installation and improvement of energy efficiency, water conservation, water pollution control, and renewable equipment with an estimated useful life of five years or longer and/or energy efficiency, water conservation, water pollution control, and renewable energy improvements that are attached to or on real property and in buildings, whether such real property or buildings are privately or publicly owned. Energy efficiency, water conservation, water pollution control and renewable energy improvements may only be installed on a privately owned building and on privately owned real property with the prior written consent of the owner or owners of the building or real property.
(b) The work deemed necessary to bring new or existing buildings or real property, including privately owned buildings or real property, into compliance with seismic safety standards or regulations1
Work on privately owned property may only be financed with the prior written consent of the owner or owners of the privately owned property.
(c) Demolition or partial demolition of existing buildings and structures, but only to the extent that this work is required to prepare areas that will be (1) in a public right of way, (2) in a publicly owned park or open space, (3) developed with other public facilities or improvements, (4) in a privately owned, publicly accessible park or open space or (5) developed with facilities or improvements that are being financed pursuant to subsection (f) and are listed in the resolution of formation for the special tax district and the ordinance levying the special taxes in the special tax district.
(d) Work on qualified historical buildings or structures, including deconstruction and reconstruction work, relocation and flood-proofing costs. Such work shall be carried out in accordance with applicable historic rehabilitation standardstt1. Such work on privately owned property may only be financed with the prior written consent of the owner or owners of the privately owned property.
(e) Sustainability studies and guideline documents related to development in the planning area governed by any area plan document approved by the Board of Supervisors..1
(f) The purchase, construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement, or rehabilitation of real or other tangible property with an estimated useful life of three years or longer, whether such property is privately or publicly owned, if the Board of Supervisors has provided for the financing of such property in the resolution of formation for the special tax district and the ordinance levying the special taxes in the special tax district.
(g) For the development of (i) the 20th Street Historic Buildings (as described in Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 273-14), (ii) the area known as Seawall Lot 349 or Pier 70 (described in Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 401-17), (iii) the project known as the Mission Rock project (described in Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 42-18), and (iv) any previously undeveloped or underutilized area larger than 25 acres that the Board of Supervisors finds could not be developed without private investment to fund initial construction of public utility infrastructure, public access and open space areas, public right-of-ways, and other public amenities, the private developer’s costs to establish the regulatory framework governing development in the area and to support the feasibility of special tax or other financing districts, including entitlement costs, if approved in the resolution of formation for the special tax district and the ordinance levying the special taxes in the special tax district.
(Ord. 216-09, File No. 090938, App. 10/29/2009; amended by Ord. , File No. 130781, App. 10/11/2013, Eff. 11/10/2013; Ord. , File No. 180612, App. 12/7/2018, 1/7/2019; Ord. , File No. 190657, App. 9/20/2019, Eff. 10/21/2019)