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  • (a) General Permit Requirements.
    (1) The SFMTA shall issue a SFMTA permit upon receipt of a written application from a qualifying City employee or department. The permit shall be displayed by City employees only when the vehicle is used for official government business.
    (2) The SFMTA permit requirements shall only apply to passenger vehicles including sedans, sports utility vehicles (SUVs), and minivans. City maintenance, emergency response, and any other City vehicle whose primary purpose is not the sole transport of passengers shall not be required to obtain a SFMTA permit and shall be granted the same permit privileges to Park as provided in subsection (b).
    (b) Permit Privileges.
    (1) Any vehicle that displays a valid SFMTA Parking Permit shall be permitted to Park at a Parking Meter without depositing payment as required by Division I, Section 7.2.23 (Payment of Parking Meter).
    (2) The SFMTA Parking Permit does not exempt vehicles from any other Parking restrictions other than as set forth in Section 801.
    (3) The SFMTA Parking Permit does not excuse applicable time limits in Residential Parking Permit areas, at parking meters, or any other time restricted parking areas unless specifically authorized by the SFMTA.
    (c) Duration of SFMTA Parking Permit. New SFMTA Parking Permits may be issued by the SFMTA at any time during the fiscal year but every permit shall expire on June 30 of each calendar year unless renewed.
    (d) Permit Fee. The SFMTA Parking Permit fee shall be based on the daily Parking Meter Use Fee set forth in Section 312. The permit fee shall be calculated based on a five day per week period for fifty-two weeks per year.
    (Added by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. 10-053, 4/20/2010; amended by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 5/3/2011, Eff. 6/3/2011, Oper. 7/1/2011)