Latest version.
  • The rates for parking meters located anywhere within the boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco as described in Appendix A, not under the jurisdiction of the Port of San Francisco, the Recreation and Park Department, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the Presidio of San Francisco, or the Treasure Island Development Authority, shall be between $0.50 an hour and $9 an hour effective July 1, 2020, and $10 an hour effective July 1, 2021. Within that range, the rates may be adjusted periodically based on vehicle occupancy on any block or set of blocks during the hours of parking meter operation according to the following criteria: (a) if occupancy is 80% or above, rates will be increased by $0.25 per hour; (b) if occupancy is 60% or above but below 80%, rates will not be changed; (c) if occupancy is below 60%, rates will be lowered by $0.25 per hour. Rates shall be adjusted for any particular block or set of blocks not more than once every 28 days.
    (SFMTA Bd. Res. No. 08-151, 8/19/2008; amended by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 12/5/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; SFMTA Bd. Res. No. 200421-043, Ad. 4/21/2020, Eff. 5/22/2020, Oper. 7/1/2020; SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 6/30/2020, Eff. 7/31/2020, Retro. 7/1/2020)