New Resolution Notice

Latest version.
  • Publisher's Note:This section has been AMENDED by new legislation (SFMTA Bd. Res. No. 200421-043 , adopted 4/21/2020, effective 5/22/2020, operative 7/01/2020). Superceded by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , adopted 6/30/2020, effective 7/31/2020, operative 1/4/2021. The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the new legislation is effective.
    A fee to reimburse the SFMTA for costs incurred for posting temporary no-parking signs for Special Events, Film Production, and Residential or Commercial Moves based on the number of signs posted. The fee shall be as follows:
    Number of Signs Posted
    FY 2019
    Effective July 1, 2018
    FY 2020
    Effective July 1, 2019
    Application filed 14 days before a permitted event approved by ISCOTT
    1 to 4
    5 to 9
    10 to 15
    16 to 21
    22 to 28
    29 to 35
    36 to 43
    44 to 51
    52 or more
    $15 for each additional sign
    $16 for each additional sign
    Self-Posting Fee for Special Events
    $10 per sign
    $10 per sign
    Application filed 13 or fewer days before a permitted event approved by ISCOTT
    1 to 4
    5 to 9
    10 to 15
    16 to 21
    22 to 28
    29 to 35
    36 to 43
    44 to 51
    52 or more
    $15 for each additional sign
    $16 for each additional sign
    Self-Posting Fee for Special Events
    $10 per sign
    $10 per sign
    Applications filed for 311 Temporary Signs
    (up to 3 days)
    1 to 4
    5 to 9
    10 to 15
    16 to 21
    22 to 28
    29 to 35
    36 to 43
    44 to 51
    52 or more Signs
    $15 for each additional sign
    $16 for each additional sign
    Application Filed for 311 Temporary Signs Additional Fee (4 to 7 days)
    Self-Posting Fee
    $10 per sign
    $10 per sign
    Design Change Fee
    (Added by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 10/16/2012, Eff. 11/16/2012; amended by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 4/15/2014, Eff. 5/16/2014, Oper. 7/1/2014; SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 4/5/2016, Eff. 5/6/2016, Oper. 7/1/2016; SFMTA Bd. Res. No. , Ad. 4/3/2018, Eff. 5/4/2018, Oper. 7/1/2018)