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  • (a) Authority. Where there is no existing permit program that encompasses a particular Shared Mobility Device Service or Non-Standard Vehicle, the Director of Transportation may, in lieu of a permit, and in the Director’s sole discretion, authorize a limited number of Proof of Concept Authorizations (POCAs) for a Shared Mobility Device Service or Non-Standard Vehicle, provided that the Director determines that to do so would promote the public health, safety, and welfare. The POCA provides an opportunity to demonstrate the potential public benefits of a Shared Mobility Device Service or Non-Standard Vehicle in supporting the City’s “Guiding Principles for Emerging Mobility Services Policy,” adopted by the SFMTA in July 2017, as may be amended from time to time. These Guiding Principles provide a consistent policy framework to evaluate new mobility services and shall be taken into consideration by the Director when evaluating POCA applications. The Director shall attach any conditions to the POCA that the Director deems necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare; to collect data; to mitigate any potential adverse impacts; or to fulfill other public purposes recognized by the Director. The Director shall be authorized to determine the term of a POCA and any extensions thereof, provided that in not case1 shall the duration of a POCA exceed one year. There is no appeal of the Director’s decision regarding a POCA application, including whether or not to issue the POCA, to place conditions on the POCA, or to extend the POCA.
    (b) Application. The Director may provide an application for persons or entities seeking a POCA. An Applicant for a POCA shall pay the Application Fee, and shall submit the following information in addition to any other information which may be required by the Director:
    (1) Name, address, phone number, and email address of the Applicant;
    (2) A description of the Mobility Device or Non-Standard Vehicle and a description of the nature and scope of the Applicant’s plan for limited testing of a Shared Mobility Device Service or Non-Standard Vehicle, including the number of devices or vehicles, frequency and span of testing or service, staging locations, and maps or detailed description of any routes and geographic areas of operation, as applicable;
    (3) Insurance as required by the Director; and
    (4) An acknowledgement by the Applicant that if issued a POCA, the Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws governing its Shared Mobility Device Service or Non-Standard Vehicle, as well as any conditions contained in the POCA. One condition that must be included in any POCA is an agreement to indemnify and hold the City and County of San Francisco, its departments, commissions, boards, officers, employees, and agents (“Indemnitees”) harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action which may be made against the Indemnitees for the recovery of damages for the injury to or death of any person or persons or for the damage to any property resulting directly or indirectly from the activity authorized by the POCA, regardless of the negligence of the Indemnitees.
    (c) Fees.
    (1) At the time of submitting the POCA Application, the Applicant shall submit a non-refundable Application Fee as set forth in Section 327.
    (2) Where the Director decides to issue a POCA, the Applicant shall submit an Administration Fee as set forth in Section 327; provided, however, that the Administration Fee may be increased to recover costs in excess of that amount incurred by SFMTA in administering the POCA program.
    (d) Other Permits or Approvals. In the event the Mobility Device or Non-Standard Vehicle subject to a POCA will be tested or operated on any sidewalk, street, or public right-of-way under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works, the Port of San Francisco, the Public Utilities Commission, or the Recreation and Park Commission, the Applicant shall also submit an application to the Office of Emerging Technology, if required under Section 22G1 of the Administrative Code, for any additional permits or approvals necessary for such testing or operation, assuming the ordinance in Board File No. 191033 has been enacted.
    (e) Termination. A POCA issued under this Section 1206-1 is subject to immediate termination by the Director. The Director may terminate a POCA for violation of any applicable law, violation of conditions included in the POCA, or if the Director concludes that termination is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. There is no appeal of the Director’s decision to terminate a POCA.
    (e)1Administrative Fines. Any person or entity who violates any applicable law or condition contained in a POCA issued under this Section 1206-1 is subject to the issuance of a citation and imposition of an administrative fine in accordance with Section 1209(a).
    (Added by SFMTA Bd. Res. No. 191105-136, Ad. 11/5/2019, Eff. 12/6/2019, Oper. 1/19/2020)
    1. So in SFMTA Bd. Res. No. 191105-136.