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  • Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the regulation of athletic events as defined herein, including the processes for obtaining permits from the City for conducting these athletic events and the payment of associated fees to the City, shall be governed by Sections 6.10 through 6.14.
    For the purposes of this Article, an "athletic event" is an event in which a group of people collectively engage in a sport or form of physical exercise on any street in the City, which event obstructs or interferes with the normal flow of vehicular traffic. An "athletic event" includes, but is not limited to, jogging, bicycling, race walking, roller skating or running. Any event taking place entirely on property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Parks Department shall be exempt from this Article.
    (Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)