Latest version.
  • Each licensee shall keep records of all bingo games conducted within the previous calendar year. Such records shall include the following information:
    (a) The number of participants present at each series of bingo games as defined by Section 3200(c)(1);
    (b) The number of bingo cards and instant bingo cards sold in each price category established therefor for each series of bingo games as defined by Section 3200(c)(1);
    (c) The amount of prizes awarded during each bingo game as defined by Section 3200(b);
    (d) The total amount of fees collected for the purchase of bingo cards and instant bingo cards and any admission fees collected for each series of bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(1).
    (e) The total amount of prizes awarded during each series of bingo games as defined in Section 3200(c)(1).
    (Added by Ord. 571-77, App. 12/29/77)