Latest version.
  • Every person, firm or corporation engaged within the City and County of San Francisco in the business of repairing motor vehicles, or of wrecking motor vehicles, and every person, firm or corporation conducting a public garage and every person, firm, corporation engaged in the storage of motor vehicles shall keep a full and complete record of the receipt for repair or storage of every damaged, partly demolished or injured motor vehicle, or of the wrecking of a motor vehicle, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Chief of Police, Such record shall contain the name and address of the person, firm or corporation from whom such automobile was received, purchased or taken in exchange or for storage or to whom sold, and the make, model, state of registration, license plate number, VIN number,, a full and complete description of the damages, demolition or injury and the cause and date thereof and the name and address of the owner thereof as ascertained from the person, firm or corporation from whom such motor vehicle was received. A business that engages in the wrecking or dismantling of motor vehicles, in addition to the records required above, shall also keep a record of the mileage shown on the odometer, and any discernible serial or manufacturers' numbers that identify individual parts of vehicles, including but not limited to, numbers on the vehicle transmission, windows and stereos. for such vehicle and shall deliver such record to the Chief of Police within 24 hours after the receipt of a motor vehicle. All records required by this section shall be written in the English language in a clear and legible manner.
    (Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)