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- (a) The General Manager or the Recreation and Park Commission may impose reasonable conditions on approval of a permit application in order to insure that public or private property is not damaged and that the comfort, convenience, safety or welfare of the public is not disturbed. Such conditions may be imposed on a permittee after the permit application has been approved if information is received by the General Manager after such approval which would provide reasonable grounds for the conclusion that further conditions are necessary, including the condition that the location of the proposed activity be changed. The provisions of this Section are designed to secure for permit holders an opportunity fully to exercise the rights conferred upon them by the permit without unreasonably interfering with the rights of other members of the public to use park property and adjacent areas or to engage in First Amendment activities. The General Manager shall in no event impose conditions pursuant to this Section which are designed to limit the content of First Amendment expression engaged in by persons affected by the permit or which unreasonably interfere with the right of free speech.(b) The conditions which may be imposed on permit applicants include the following: (1) posting a performance bond to insure that property is restored and cleaned at the conclusion of the permitted activity; (2) providing insurance to protect the City from liability from any harm that such activity might cause; and (3) agreeing to reimburse the Recreation and Park Department for any costs incurred by it in restoring damage to property, caused by the actions of the permittee, its officers, employees, or agents, or any person who was, or reasonably should have been, under the permittee's control and to defend the City against, and indemnify and hold the City harmless from, any liability to any person resulting from any damage or injury caused by the actions of the permittee, its officers, employees, or agents, or any person who was or reasonably should have been, under the permittee's control.(c) When an applicant for a permit to perform an activity which is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and for which a performance bond must be posted produces evidence that providing a cash performance bond would be impossible or so financially burdensome that it would preclude the applicant from using park property for the proposed activity, the General Manager shall accept property in lieu of a cash performance bond so long as the property offered is of a type which will reasonably insure restoration and cleaning of the property to be used by the applicant at the conclusion of the permitted activity.(d) No applicant shall be required to comply with the provisions of Subsection (b)(2) pertaining to insurance if the activity proposed is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the applicant produces evidence that complying with those provisions is impossible or so financially burdensome that it would preclude the applicant from using park property for the proposed activity.(Added by Ord. 603.81, App. 12/18/81)