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- (a) Attention is called to other provisions of this Code which require persons engaging in certain activities to obtain a permit, including, but not limited to, the following:(1) Launching or landing any airplane, helicopter, parachute, hang glider, hot air balloon or other machine or apparatus of aviation, in any park, or bringing into a park any balloon with a diameter of more than six feet or a gas capacity of more than 115 cubic feet (See Section 3.09);(2) Bringing, or causing to be brought, for the purposes of sale or barter, or having for sale, or selling or exchanging, or offering for sale or exchange any goods, wares or merchandise (See Section 3.10);(3) Constructing or maintaining any building, structure, tent or any other thing in any park that may be used for housing accommodations or camping (See Section 3.12);(4) Remaining in any park for the purpose of sleeping between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. in order to provide security services between said hours in any park (See Section 3.13).(b) The Recreation and Park Commission may by resolution require a permit for additional activities when such a requirement furthers the purposes set forth in Section 7.01 of this Code. A list of the additional activities for which permits are required shall be posted at McLaren Lodge in Golden Gate Park and filed with the Secretary of the Recreation and Park Commission and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be made available to the public upon request.(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)