§ 12.11. MARINA FEES.  

Latest version.
  • The following fees shall be charged for goods and services at the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor:
    (a) Berthing License Fees. The following monthly charges shall be based on the length of the berth.
    (1) East Harbor for Fiscal Year 2013-2014:
    Berth Length
    Fee Per Foot/Per Month
    (2) West Harbor for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, or upon completion of the West Harbor renovation as certified in writing by the General Manager, whichever occurs later:
    Berth Length
    Fee Per Foot/Per Month
    (b) Surcharge for Electricity. The Recreation and Park Department may meter the use of electricity and may charge the berth holder the utility provider’s standard rates for usage over 264KW per month.
    (c) Deposits, refundable if there is no loss, damage or need to clean the item.
    (1) Berth
    One Month's Monthly Berthing License Fee
    (2) Electrical Adapter
    (3) Hazardous Material or Removal Fee
    (4) Key for Visiting Boaters, per key
    (d) Guest Dock.
    (1) Short Term Dock Fee – $1.50 per foot, per day.
    (2) Pick Up/Drop Off Fee – $2.50 per foot and $1 per person, per day.
    (3) Flexible Pricing – Notwithstanding the fees listed in subsections (d)(1) and (2), the Department General Manager or the General Manager’s designee may impose temporary increases and/or decreases to said fees, based on one or more of the following factors: fluctuations in customer demand at particular times or on particular days or dates or as among different areas of the Marina Small Craft Harbor, rates at comparable facilities, weather conditions, and dock conditions.
    (e) Parking.
    (1) Berth Parking, for Owners and Partners Only:
    Two stickers
    Each additional sticker, annually
    (2) Daily Parking, Allows Permit Holder to Park in Marina Spaces if Available:
    Crew, per day
    Non-Owner, per day
    (3) Special Event Parking, per day
    (4) Trailer/Dingy Parking, for Regatta etc., per day
    (f) Purchase Fees.
    Key Purchase (Berth holders, Partners and Families), per key
    (g) Services.
    (1) Chain Fee (delinquent fees, unauthorized vessels), per incident
    (2) Dock Box Cleaning Fee (from Haz Mat deposit)
    (3) Impound, per incident
    (4) Harbor Line Installation, per line
    (5) Labor, per incident
    $50.00 flat fee or $75.00/hour, whichever is greater.
    $100/hour for after-hours.
    (6) Late Fees
    10% of initial fee
    (7) Pump-Out
    Water, for first incident
    For subsequent incident(s)
    (8) Transfer Fees. Berthing licenses may not be transferred, sold or assigned, except to the extent and on the terms and conditions specifically provided in the Rules and Regulations of the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor ("Marina Rules") as adopted by the Commission.
    (A) Except as specified in (B), transfers expressly authorized by the Marina Rules shall be subject to a $50 administrative fee.
    (B) The one-time transfer opportunity authorized by the Marina Rules, as adopted by the Commission on April 19, 2012, to effect a transfer of a berthing license and berth with the sale of vessel within the berth to a new owner from the wait list shall be subject to a transfer fee of:
    (1) $150 per linear foot of the berth for berths 35 feet and under
    (2) $200 per linear foot of the berth for berths 40 and 45 feet, and
    (3) $325 per linear foot of the berth for berths 50 feet and longer.
    (C) Nothing in this subsection (g)(8) or in the Marina Rules shall be construed to
    (1) convey a vested right to transfer a berthing license or berth, or
    (2) prevent the Commission from amending or abolishing the transfer opportunities recognized in this subsection (g)(8).
    (h) Storage.
    (1) Dock Box
    Each additional, per month
    (2) Reserved
    (3) Multihull Surcharge – Additional 40% of monthly Berth Fee
    (4) Skiff, less than 20 feet and no power or dock box, per month
    (5) Small Boat Rack (Dingy, kayak, or canoe), per month
    (6) Storage Lockers, per month
    (i) Wait List Fee.
    Per year
    (j) Adjustment of Fees. The fees set forth herein shall be adjusted in accordance with Section 12.20 of this article, except that the Controller shall each year, without further action by the Board of Supervisors, increase the berthing license fees for the West Harbor set forth in subsection (a)(2) of this Section 12.11 by either three percent or the annual percentage change in the relevant Consumer Price Index (CPI) as determined by the Controller, whichever is higher. The provisions in the foregoing sentence regarding West Harbor berthing license fees shall terminate by operation of law on September 1, 2043 and be inoperative from that date forward.
    (k) Berthing Licenses.
    (1) A person may not berth a vessel in the Marina without having secured a berthing license from the Harbormaster. Berthing licenses are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor ("Marina Rules") as adopted by the Commission, and any subsequent amendments thereto. All berthing licenses, regardless of when granted, constitute a privilege and are not the property of the bertholder. This provision is declaratory of existing law.
    (2) The Harbormaster may renew berthing licenses annually in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Marina Rules. There shall be no limit to the number of times that the Harbormaster may renew a berthing license.
    (3) The Commission may decide at any time to amend, suspend or terminate the berthing license program for the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor, and the privileges bertholders derive from the program.
    (Added by Ord. 252-00, File No. 001492, App. 10/27/2000; amended by Ord. 162-05, File No. 050602, App. 7/21/2005; Ord. 307-08, File No. 081328, App. 12/16/2008; Ord. , File No. 120435, App. 6/18/2012, Eff. 7/18/2012; Ord. , File No. 130548, App. 8/2/2013, Eff. 9/1/2013; Ord. , File No. 140642, App. 7/31/2014, Eff. 8/30/2014; Ord. , File No. 190628, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019)