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  • All owners, managers, proprietors in charge of any room in any place or business selling, or displaying for the purpose of sale, any device or product containing alkyl nitrites other than prescription drugs and devices to inhale, ingest or inject prescription drugs, shall post a warning sign at eye level, between five and six feet from the floor, and adjacent to any alkyl nitrite product offered for sale. Such sign shall be not less than eight inches by eleven inches in size and shall be printed on a contrasting background and in a legible manner conveying the following warning:
    "WARNING: These products contain alkyl nitrites ("Poppers"). Inhaling or swallowing alkyl nitrite may be harmful to your health. The use of alkyl nitrites may affect the immune system. Several studies have suggested that their use is associated with the development of Kaposi's sarcoma (an AIDS condition)."
    The word "WARNING" shall be in a print of 84 point height and Helvetica type and the remainder of the text in a print of 24 point height and in Helvetica medium-face, Futura medium-face or Universe 65 type.
    (Amended by Ord. 200-86, App. 6/6/86)