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  • (a) For all City programs and expenditures, the terms Clean Energy, Green Energy, Renewable Greenhouse Gas-free Energy or similar terms used to describe the source or environmental impact of electric energy means energy from eligible renewable energy resources as defined in State law, and resources set forth in the RPS under Public Utilities Code § 399.30(j).
    (b) It is the City's policy that the use of unbundled renewable energy credits for CleanPowerSF customers shall be limited to the extent deemed feasible by the SFPUC, consistent with the goals of the program. CleanPowerSF will follow the limitations of state law regarding the use of unbundled renewable energy credits to satisfy the applicable renewable portfolio standard. For renewable energy provided by CleanPowerSF that exceeds the minimum requirements of state law, the voters urge the SFPUC to apply the same limitations on the use of unbundled renewable energy credits, to the extent feasible. For unbundled renewable energy credits associated with facilities located within San Francisco, the limitation set forth in the preceding sentence shall not apply.
    (Added by , App. 11/3/2015)
    (Former Sec. 2102 added by Ord. , File No. 110114, App. 5/19/2011, Eff. 6/18/11, Oper. 5/1/2012; repealed by Ord. , File No. 130186, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013)