Latest version.
  • J104.3 Replace the exception as follows:
    The arrow represents the location of language that has been deleted by San Francisco from the applicable California Code.
    Grading conforming to all of the following requirements:
    1. No cut section is greater than 10 feet (3.048 m) in vertical height.
    2. No cut slope is steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical.
    3. The tops of cut banks are separated from any structure or major improvement by a distance, measured horizontally, equal to not less than the height of the bank.
    4. Not more than 5,000 cubic yards (3825 m3) shall be involved in grading.
    5. Grading performed at a site outside the limits of known slide areas.
    All other grading shall require soils report and the grading plans shall include, but not limited to, the following information:
    (1) The design of retaining walls or other structures used to support cuts or fills. Such retaining walls or structures, except when part of a building, may be constructed under this permit, provided the cost of same is included in the valuation shown on the application.
    (2) The sequencing of cut and fill operations in a manner that assures interim stability of the site.