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  • (a) Methods. Two persons may establish a Domestic Partnership by either:
    (1) Presenting a signed Declaration of Domestic Partnership to the County Clerk, who will file it and give the partners a certificate showing that the Declaration was filed; or
    (2) Having a Declaration of Domestic Partnership notarized and giving a copy to the person who witnessed the signing (who may or may not be the notary). However, a domestic partnership formed in this manner shall not be recognized for purposes of San Francisco Charter Sections A8.500-2 relating to the Retirement System, where a registered domestic partnership or certificate of domestic partnership is required by law, or where a spouse would be required to present a marriage license.
    (Added by Proposition K, 11/6/90; amended by Ord. 78-04, File No. 040318, App. 5/6/2004)