Latest version.
  • Acceptable non-maritime land uses include but are not limited to:
    (a) Parks;
    (b) Esplanades;
    (c) Wildlife habitat;
    (d) Recreational fishing piers;
    (e) Restoration of the ecology of San Francisco Bay and its shoreline;
    (f) Transit and traffic facilities; and
    (g) A list of additional acceptable non-maritime land uses developed as part of the Waterfront Land Use Planning process shall be included in the "Waterfront Land Use Plan" and added to this Section. Uses added to this list through the Waterfront Plan process include:
    (1) Public access;
    (2) Open space;
    (3) Commercial uses, i.e., artist/designer studios and galleries, assembly and entertainment general office, museums, parking, retail, recreational enterprises, visitor services, warehousing/storage, wholesale trade/promotion;
    (4) Other uses, i.e., academic institutions, community facilities, general industry, power plants, sports facilities, transportation services;
    (5) Interim uses consistent with the provisions of the Burton Act and Public Trust.
    (h) [Reserved.]
    (i) [Reserved.]
    (Added by Proposition H, 11/6/90; amended by Proposition B, 3/26/96; Proposition F, 6/3/97; Ord. 7-98, App. 1/16/98; Amended by Proposition G, 6/3/2008)