§ 5.1-2. PURPOSE.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the Council is to coordinate local efforts to support adults exiting San Francisco County Jail, San Francisco juvenile justice system out-of-home placements, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities, and the United States Federal Bureau of Prison facilities. The Council shall provide the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, the public, and any other appropriate agency with accurate and comprehensive information about programs that serve this population, barriers faced by this population, best practices to meet the needs of this population, and funding sources for programs and practices that address the needs of this population. The Council shall coordinate information sharing, planning, and engagement among all interested private and public stakeholders to the extent permissible under Federal and State law.
    (Added by Ord. 215-08, File No. 080564, App. 9/19/2008)