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  • The DEWD shall have all of the powers and duties necessary to administer the Program consistent with the Federal Bonding Program. In addition, the DEWD shall have the following powers and duties:
    (a) Eligibility Criteria. Consistent with this Article, the DEWD shall determine eligibility criteria for people to secure employment with the assistance of a bond under this Program. In no event shall a person be eligible for a bond under this Program unless an employer has made a job offer to that person and the person has a date scheduled to start work.
    (b) Bond Amount. The DEWD shall establish guidelines that determine the appropriate bond amount for each employer, but in no instance shall a bond amount exceed $25,000.00 per employee. The DEWD shall take into account the employer's reasonable estimation of the theft risk of the job.
    (c) Record keeping and reporting requirements. The DEWD shall comply with all record keeping requirements of the Federal Bonding Program as may be updated from time to time. In addition, the DEWD shall prepare and submit bi-annual reports to the Board of Supervisors that shall include but not be limited to information on the following: outreach efforts to at-risk applicants; the number of bonds that the City purchases on behalf of at-risk applicants; the number of at-risk applicants assisted under the Program, and the number of employers that utilize the Program. The reports shall also inform the Board of Supervisors of administrative changes that the DEWD made to improve the program and if necessary, recommendations for legislative changes that will improve the Program.
    (Added by Ord. 272-07, File No. 070410, App. 11/26/2007)